Hyacinthoides hispanica ‘Excelsior’
Hyacinthoides hispanica ‘Excelsior’ (Spanish Bluebells) Clumps of glossy strap-shaped leaves. Stems 12 – 18” tall with stalks of multiple bell-shaped blue/purple flowers. Plant spring or fall for spring blooms. Pest and disease resistant. Plant 4” deep and about 4” apart. Partial sun or partial shade. “Parts of plants are poisonous”
- Botanical Name Hyacinthoides hispanica 'Excelsior'
- Common Name (Variety) Spanish Bluebells
- Color Deep blue violet, Light Pale Blue
- Flower Shape Bell-shaped
- Height 12"- 16"
- Bulbs Per Pack 10
- Growing Season Mid-season
- Full Sun Yes
- Part Sun Yes
- Bees Yes
- Naturalizes in Texas Yes
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