Louisiana Iris ‘Sharon Conoway’


Louisiana Iris ‘Sharon Conoway’ Dufrene, C. 2020 32-33” M L Standards lemon-yellow, olive-green central line, rose blush at tips, lightly ruffled, style arms lemon-yellow light rose blush along midrib, falls lemon yellow deep rose blush along outer edges, darker at tips rose veining, golden yellow line signal slight fragrance

  • Botanical Name Iris ‘Sharon Conoway’
  • Common Name (Variety) Louisiana Iris
  • Color Yellow to Pink
  • Bulbs Per Pack 1
  • Growing Season Mid to late season

10 in stock

SKU: LI-23 Categories: ,

Additional information

Botanical Name

Iris ‘Sharon Conoway’

Common Name (Variety)

Louisiana Iris


Yellow to Pink

Bulbs Per Pack


Growing Season

Mid to late season

