Rain Lily Citrina


5 Bulbs per pack –  Lily Amaryllidaceae, sprouts and blooms 2 to 3 days after rain from late spring to fall. Zephyranthes resemble lilies or crocuses and “look up”. Can take some drought. Dark yellow. Seeds.

  • Botanical Name Zephranthes 'Citrina', Zephyranthes 'Capricorn'
  • Common Name (Variety) Citrina rain lily
  • Color Yellow
  • Flower Shape Star shaped
  • Bulbs Per Pack 5
  • Full Sun Yes
  • Good Cut Flower Yes
  • Naturalizes in Texas Yes
  • Butterflies Yes
  • Bees Yes

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SKU: CL-RAIN LILY-08 Categories: ,

Additional information

Botanical Name

Zephranthes 'Citrina', Zephyranthes 'Capricorn'

Common Name (Variety)

Citrina rain lily



Flower Shape

Star shaped

Bulbs Per Pack